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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015-30, also known as the Global Goals, is a universal call for action to tackle some of the pressing challenges facing our world, such as human rights violations, environmental damages and conflict.

The SDGs comprise of 17 goals. The goals are interconnected – hence the key to achievement on one goal involves identifying cross-linkages with other goals.


The SDGs have rapidly been established as the internationally recognized sustainability blueprint, including within the business community. As a result, an increasing number of companies use the SDGs as basis and platform when defining their own sustainability strategy.

One reason is that the Sustainable Development Goals’ universal acceptance and long-term perspective ensure acceptance of a consistent and long-term sustainability strategy within the company and among stakeholders.

Another reason is that all the Goals are broken down into more specific Targets and Indicators. Among these, any company of any size in any sector can identify cross-linked sustainability issues relevant to their core business and sphere of influence.

A third reason is the Sustainable Development Goals’ call for partnership between the business community, governments and sivil society, as this world's  sustainability challenges are too large for any one party to solve alone.


The SDGs 2015-30 comprise of 17 overall Goals, 169 Targets and 230 Indicators. This might sound daunting, but is actually a great opportunity for big and small companies across sectors. Goals, Targets and Indicators can be used as a “menu” from which the company can filter and merge Goals and Targets into their own Sustainability Strategy, which at its best can be valid and implemented till 2030.


For optimal and long-lasting sustainability strategy, RBA recommends that identification of relevant SD Goals and Targets includes engagement of internal and external stakeholders at national, regional and/or global level. Not least, an SDG Strategy embedding the process provides excellent opportunity for local stakeholder engagement. This does however depend on the nature of the business operations.  


Our team of experts has extensive experience in impact measurement. We help the company define Impact Indicators for measuring, communicating and reporting progress and impact over time.

Contact us for more information!


RBA SDG Strategy Services

We assist your company in defining and implementing a long-term sustainability strategy based on Sustainable Development Goals.  

We work with your internal team to embed the strategy planning and scope Sustainable Development Goals and Targets relevant for your business. 

As part of the SDG strategy process,  we can 

facilitate Employee Engagement and 

External Stakeholder Engagement at national, global and/or local level 


Impact Indicators: We help your company establish Impact indicators to measure, communicate and report on progress and impact over time.


We help your company implement SDG actions in conflict-affected, developing, frontier and emerging markets. 

Impact measurement:  We assist you in measuring progress and impact over time. 

Responsible Business Advisors

c/o Scanteam AS, Tordenskioldsgate 2, P.O.Box 593 Sentrum, NO-0106 Oslo, Norway

Org. no.: 956 759 978 MVA


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